Gulla’s Great Smoky Mtn Walker
Bear is a brown Standard Poodle born in March 2021. He weighs 70lb and is 26 inches tall at the withers. He is registered with AKC/UKC/CKC. He has been genetically tested through embark for the most common diseases affecting Poodles.
He has Normal Eye (w/ breeder options) and Normal Cardiac conclusions through the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals which can be viewed here. We will be doing his hip prelims in January 2022 and will obtain his CHIC # when he turns two years old in March 2023.
Ee, bb, KBky, atat, Ssp, mm
Bear has earned the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC), Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA), Canine Good Citizen Urban (CGCU), Farm Dog (FDC), and Temperament Testing (ATT). We are currently pursuing AKC Rally titles with him as well as learning Barn Hunt & Scentwork. He is extremely food motivated, quick to learn, and eager to please! We can’t wait to see what other titles he earns.
Currently Bear’s stud fee is a reduced rate of $1000 for two ties. Once he is proven by producing two litters, his fee will rise. A third tie can be purchased for an additional $100 prior to tie. We require a deposit of $100 to book on his calendar for your anticipated heat cycle dates and the remaining $$$ is due prior to first tie. If you choose not to place a deposit to hold your dates we cannot guarantee another female will not take precedence. We do not accept payment installments or “pick of litter choice” as payment so please don’t ask.
**** Collection and Shipping is available for $1350 for ONE SHIPMENT. A Second Shipment DURING THE SAME HEAT CYCLE can be sent for $350 + Overnight Fee. ****